Best Employer Consulting Services

Idea Generation, Research & Evaluation 

Frank Communications can help your organization come up with creative, often low-cost, ways to meet employee needs.  Our extensive experience with other Canadian employers has given us a wealth of ideas that could be adapted to work for you.

From basic background research (such as focus group meetings, confidential employee interviews, and employee opinion surveys) through to the implementation and communication of new approaches, Frank Communications has the expertise to help you become one of Canada's best employers -- for women and men.  We can help you avoid common traps, like  jumping to conclusions about what employees really want and/or will benefit from.  For example:

Many employees instinctively assume that on-site day care would solve all their problems.  Yet on-site day care is often too expensive to help the bulk of employees, and dragging a tired toddler on a long commute can also be a drawback.  Careful analysis of both the employer's and the employees' objectives is needed.
Merck Frosst's take-home meal service was expected to benefit working mothers.  In fact, most of the employees using it are young and single.

Focus groups and interviews will often yield more useful information if they are conducted by an outsider.  Tema Frank has conducted over 120 focus groups and interviewed over 1,500 employees at all levels.  If you or an employee committee have already developed a “wish list” of ideas, we can work with you to help you set priorities and assess the costs and benefits of implementing each idea on your list.

We can help you address the following types of issues:
What creative, low-cost approaches can be borrowed from other companies or industries to help your organization?
What are your competitors doing in a given policy area?
What would employees like to see in a specific policy area?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of existing policies, from an employee perspective?
How can individual policies and practices be improved?

     Techniques used:
On-site guidance  - Tema Frank can meet with you and/or workplace committees to help them analyze the complex issues before them, and generate creative ideas for meeting employee needs.
Database research  - Frank Communications has an extensive database on the workplace policies and practices of over 130 Canadian organizations, and many American and European ones.
Focus groups  - Tema has led over 120 focus groups of Canadian employees.
Individual interviews  with employees at all levels - Tema has interviewed hundreds of individual employees, ranging from presidents to clerical staff.
Employee opinion surveys  - Frank Communications has helped organizations with design and analysis.